
Most people think that Credit cards are expensive and you should pay your bank fees starting day one just for the fact of owning a piece of plastic with the Bank`s name on it. And if you are one of such users – this information is for you. In this article, I will tell you how not to pay any fees to the Bank and even how to make it work for you! Ready? 

The first rule – define the reason why you would like to open a credit card. Are that daily needs that will be covered by your salary at the end of the month, or this is for the trip you are planning for Christmas do you need it to upgrade your laptop or camera and need some mid-term cash? Your goal will define the card functionality you must go for. Put key features that are important for you and this will help to compare different offers. Like – as available credit limit, how many interest-free days, their fee for FX transactions, repayment requirements, fees for cash withdrawal, etc.

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